Please support us

You can help us by...
- ...making a donation or giving a raffle prize
- ...helping to get new people to come along
- ...bringing friends to our next concert
Please speak to one of the Committee: Susanna Talbot, Heather Gough, Jan MacGregor, Hilary Maguire, Alice Maxwell, Carol Wickstead. Or email us at Or use our contact form.
Arran Theatre and Arts Trust is an umbrella organisation for Music Arran, Arran Open Studios, Arran Arts Resource, Arts Forward, Arran On Film and the McLellan Arts Festival. Its aims, in partnership with other organisations on the island, are to foster the visual, literary and performing arts on Arran, further opportunities for professionals in the arts, create experiences which raise skills, awareness and improve access at community level, develop opportunities for young people and encourage new work both on Arran and beyond through the annual McLellan Poetry Award and the McLellan Arts Festival.